Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The EFCA Looks Dead

Well, it looks like the ... questionably ... named Employee Free Choice Act is going to die. I have to say I am of two minds about this.

For the act itself, well, I opposed it pretty much from the get-go. The change to allow bypassing the secret ballot simply has too much potential for abuse. Really, that's all there is to say about it.

I am all for ensuring that people who want to join a union can choose to. But I oppose in the strongest terms any system for forcing a union on those who do not want one.

So, on the one hand, this is pretty much a win.

On the other hand... many people who's opinions I have reason to respect tell me of systematic abuse of the current system, effectively preventing unions from forming where they are needed. Some of the abuses sound a bit contrived to me, especially the attitude that an employer who believes a union will be bad for the business has no right to say so, and that anything they do to try and talk employees out of joining is automatically abuse. Others however, sound entirely believable, and should be addressed.

So why aren't we? The Republicans have made it very clear that the 'card check' is what they oppose, and staked a lot of political capital on it. But that is not the entirety of the bill. Why not just remove that part, pass the rest, and see how it turns out? Can it really be better to get nothing than to get half of what they want?

I suppose the possibility of getting stabbed in the back by the unions if they 'sell out' is a real fear for the congresscritters. But Obama could do it, and get away with it. Barring some disaster, no Democrat is going to be any threat to him next election, and that's going to be his last one.

It is a sad state of affairs when the parties cannot compromise for fear of the interest groups, but there you have it. Maybe we should not tolerate this.

(Edit : Where are my manners? Got my start on this from Born at the Crest of the Empire)


TAO March 26, 2009 at 5:29 AM  

I am an employer but I am also known for looking at things a lot differently than most everybody else.

The concept of 'right' and 'wrong' exist and are not defined by the business owner as per what is benefitial to the company.

The wife of one of my employees has been terminated recently. She worked for the company for over 10 years, great employee, great attendence, all that crap.

One day they let her go...because she was too expensive and they could now hire Mexicans for 6 dollars less an hour.

Her hourly rate was not something that was established by a union or by her demands, we are a right to work state and her payraises were given to her every year by management after a performance evaluation.

One day they realized she had to go because they were paying her too much.

Now, I am all for personal responsibility but I sometimes wonder if we have not created an environment of corporate or business irresponsibility and or management irresponsibility.

Truthfully I believe that alot of our economic mess and a high degree of our lack of competitiveness is due to the fact that we look down and scorn labor.

I know that I have folks working in the office who look down at the folks who work on the plant floor...and like I tell these folks, "...if it wasn't for the plant you all would not have jobs and neither would I!"

For 30 years we have done everything as a society that we could do to destroy unions and the influence that labor has in business.

Now, today, we sit here and have to ask ourselves if that was a wise decision and if we benefitted from these efforts?

Are we better off?

We have done everything to roll back regulations and standards...all in the name of remaining competitive...and are we anymore competitive than we were 30 years ago?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly March 26, 2009 at 5:03 PM  

You know how difficult it is to organize in "right to work" state. or I call them "right to scab" states. Unions can't afford to service a contract when a percentage of those covered choose not to pay dues but still enjoy the benefits of the contract. The Union by law has to represent them whether they pay dues or not. It's a losing proposition.

And the Dept. of Labor actually enforced labor law the EFCA would not even be an issue.

OpenMindedRepublican March 26, 2009 at 10:23 PM  

Truth - "And the Dept. of Labor actually enforced labor law the EFCA would not even be an issue."

Seems to me that this is where we should focus our efforts then.

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